Still gettin' his Keane fix - Tabloid Junkie.
31 August 2008
xxxKeane - The Lovers Are Losingxxx
Still gettin' his Keane fix - Tabloid Junkie.
xxxMGMT - Kids (Skyve Reuter Edit)xxx
Gettin' his fix - Tabloid Junkie.
xxxPatrick Wolf's Double Troublexxx

From: Patrick Wolf's MySpace Blog
Subject: rellative conversations...............
Body: dearest, nearest, queerrest and weirdest.......................
jesus FUCKING christ.......
so today I attend one of my favourite irish cousins weddings, and i grit my teeth through the catholic blessings, cry myself to empathy via the love confessions they both confess and sware to each other. fierk and kitsy, i wish you both the hugest love forever, i had a slight homophpbic attack where after having a gun shaped fist held to my head, and being told someone wanted to kill me..... (seriously, since when was a pair of knee length socks and and a serious you want to kill me then i kill you first attitude became a bit too much to deal with.... i ended up kicking some shit in the head for literally stepping back thirty years in gay and feminist rights. I dont apppreciate some neandrathrall telling me i should be dead for being in a long term relationship with my beautiful husband.... i have to tell you, i have two albums coming out soon.... think, smashing pumpkins, kate bush, im going double, double, trouble, thats why im taking so long, one disk is heartbroken and in deep dispair, one is in deep dark joy dedicated to my new love, my old and forever love, william the conqueror, ok..... i better leave, my irish cousins are begging for a go on the intranet.... i just realised its been an age and a half since i communicated, the album has been in my blood for a year and much more.... the label think it will be a disaster, im sure, as it comes more from the bottom of my heart than even lycanthropy, about my fathers cancer, my solitude, my true love, my irish roots, everything that has touched me to the core in the last year.... ok, im rambling i must go.... i hAVE been told by my relative that i must go............... oh shut me the fuck i love y'alllllll
30 August 2008
xxxIt's Latexxx
I let you think that I'm yours when I'm not... If you're going abroad I can't help you... If you're crossing the street I might be there...
Gettin' his fix - Tabloid Junkie.
xxx20 Albums to Listen to Before the End of Summer??XXX
Modern Guilt - Beck
Lykke Li - Youth Novels
Sam Sparro - Sam Sparro
Hard Candy - Madonna
Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings - Counting Crows
At Mt. Zoomer - Wolf Parade
Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
Viva La Vida (or Death And All His Friends) - Coldplay
Donkey - CSS
Accelerate - R.E.M.
Take Me To The Sea - Jaguar Love
Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules & Love Affair
Saturdays=Youth - M83
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
3rd - Portishead
The Slip - NIN
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Skeletal Lamping - Of Montreal
Let The Blind Lead Those Who See But Cannot Feel - Atlas Sound
#20 is YOUR PICK
In no order... nor any glitzy glamour. Yes, simply put- A List.
Leave us the best album of the summer. Click Comments below.
29 August 2008
xxxJaguar Love Video [Highways of Gold]XXX
Everybody knows knows knows Jaguar Love by now now now...
Enjoy your transit home from work... or your travels wherever you may be.
=Making One, *Haute Mess*
xxxTake A Leak!XXX
LEt's Do sOMe SkELetaL LamPINg & flush out some odd thoughts.

1. Touched Something's Hollow
2. For Our Elegant Caste
This album gets down, and it gets dirty.
28 August 2008
xxxThursday Night's MischiefXXX

1. The Books - Vogt Dig For Kloppervok
2. Atlas Sound - Quarantined
The Haute Choice Thursday is looking through the looking glass behind the glassy mirror... waiting to be CHANGED!
xxxSarah McLachlan - U Want Me 2xxx
Makes you wanna put an animal to sleep.
-Gettin' his fix - Tabloid Junkie.
27 August 2008
xxxThe Verve - Love Is Noise (VIDEO)xxx
Gettin' his fix - Tabloid Junkie.
26 August 2008
xxxSticky & Sweet Tour Footagexxx
Into the Groove
Like A Prayer
Get Stupid - John McCain's fav
Human Nature feat. Brit Brit trapped in an elevator
John McCain's campaign hit back at Madonna on Sunday after the pop diva kicked off her world tour with a concert that bracketed the US presidential candidate with Adolf Hitler.
McCain campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds angrily condemned the segment of Madonna's concert in Cardiff on Saturday that appeared to draw a comparison between McCain, Hitler and Zimbabwean strongman Robert Mugabe.
"The comparisons are outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time," Bounds said in a statement reported by Fox News.
"It clearly shows that when it comes to supporting Barack Obama, his fellow worldwide celebrities refuse to consider any smear or attack off limits."
Madonna's apparent swipe at McCain came during a performance of the song "Get Stupid", when the Republican contender's image was flashed up alongside images of destruction and global warming as well as Hitler and Mugabe.
Towards the end of the song, pictures of Beatles star John Lennon, former US vice-president Al Gore, Indian Mahatma Gandhi and McCain's Democrat rival Barack Obama appeared.
xxxI Seen Beyonce At Burger King by CazwellXXX
Seen da bitch? I'm HUNgry.
=Stirring Up One, *Haute Mess*
xxxTuesday's New ReleasesXXX
The Veronicas, the Aussie Twin gals, are punkin' it once again...

The Verve's back at it:

And Jonatha Brooke takes the unmusicalized words of Woody Guthrie and turns them into songs. This looks like a fascinating project... though I've yet to hear it.

=From One, *Haute Mess*
25 August 2008
xxxSsion - A Raincheck For Thursday's MischiefXXX

The Haute Choice was a Haute Mess Last Thursday. I offer my apologies. I offer you Ssion:
1. The Straight World
2. Street Jizz (Rough Ian Levine Remix)
Hope that will make up for it... THC'ers Click the Pic for Ssion's Myspace.
=From One, *Haute Mess*
xxxMixtape Monday vol. 7xxx

Let's storm the castle and sandbag the doors... for it is the King's favorite post, the Mixtape Monday toast. Hang up your crowns and unbutton your gowns... it's time for the Jester to prance round and round and round...
Gettin' his fix - Tabloid Junkie.
xxxBloc Party's Intimacy is Here!!!XXX

Click the photo to get to the buying and downloading!
Physical Copy to arrive by mail when you purchase online...
So... what's the word on the new album? Opinions please...
=Making A *Haute Mess*
xxxM83 - Skin of the Nightxxx
Also be sure to ch-ch-check out their new EP, KIM & JESSIE...
Gettin' his fix - Tabloid Junkie.
24 August 2008
xxxThe Last Shadow Puppets - The Age of the Understatementxxx

Ch-Ch-check out more of their stuff by CLICKING HERE
23 August 2008
xxxWhat the...?!?!?xxx

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - A Puerto Rican man has been granted his wish to remain standing—even in death. A funeral home used a special embalming treatment to keep the corpse of 24-year-old Angel Pantoja Medina standing upright for his three-day wake.
Dressed in a Yankees baseball cap and sunglasses, Pantoja was mourned by relatives while propped upright in his mother's living room.
His brother Carlos told the El Nuevo Dia newspaper the victim had long said he wanted to be upright for his own wake: "He wanted to be happy, standing."
The owner of the Marin Funeral Home, Damaris Marin, told The Associated Press the mother asked him to fulfill her dead son's last wish.
Pantoja was found dead Friday underneath a bridge in San Juan and buried Monday. Police are investigating.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
It's a dead man's party...