19 September 2008

xxxTake A Leak!XXX


As Of Montreal has delayed the release of Skeletal Lamping, (another 2 whole weeks due to the massive packaging promotionals to coincide with the release-we are getting posters, stickers, hell even a chinese lamp, people!!!) I think we should revel in the leak. Have a look around your friendly inter-web-i-verse and take a nice long leak for "Skeletal Lamping." It's out there somewhere. And yes, I always did peek at the Xmas presents before Xmas. (It's Sad, I know.)

This leak gets a little more down and dirty... remember Georgie Fruit the alter ego funked out black she-male version of the lead singer? Well he is coming on hard in these tracks. Enjoy the Leakage.


=One *Haute (Dirty) Mess*

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